Will it ever end? All of these rescue scams are getting to be happening too often these days. Every time we turn around, more dogs are dead because of so called "rescues" or "rescuers" and all awhile on these Facebook threads people just moan and bitch and not a single person really does anything about it. Why are people not putting into action things to really protect these lost souls?
We have ZERO respect for those people who just bitch and expect others to do the leg work to get things done. You may call yourself a rescuer but you are not. Call it what it is. You are a wannabe rescuer who is trying to convince others of your good deeds while not really doing a whole lot. Good thing some people put their feelings, pain, anger into action because if they didn't not a single damn dog or cat would ever be saved.
We really hate being ball busters but damn it someone has to speak the truth and we all know we am not going to sugarcoat anything to save your sensitive feelings from being hurt. If the shoe fits, wear it. If not, then don't be offended by what we say because it obviously does not apply to you.
Now with all of that said, we have been getting email after email about one particular rescue taking funds and not taking the dog that ended up being killed, another rescue that is rescuing then immediately dumping the same dog elsewhere, people using funds collected for the animal for their own profit, abusers, a fight that broke out in a shelter where one lady was trying to dump a dog she stated was a stray yet was heard hugging the same dog as she left and calling him by name. Apparently that really pissed off one rescuer that was there to rescue another dog and she let her have it. Unfortunately we am not sharing details on a single one just yet publicly because none of these people sent us required proof (correspondence, audio, video, witness statements) to be able to responsibly do so. We are here to make the rescue world aware of things like the above mentioned but we also do not want to slander anyone either so we must do things this way to cover our own bottoms. If you have been a part of rescue for more than a minute you know people in rescue yell "LAWSUIT LAWSUIT" over every little thing. And in all honesty not once have any of us seen one of those people ever follow through but why risk it? With that, we ask that any and all people contacting us to please have some sort of evidence or proof of your allegations. If you do we will share here and get the word out. We will even protect your identity and post anonymously so you do not have to take the heat for doing the right thing and speaking up. That is our promise to all of our fellow rescue warriors.
We also welcome comments and suggestions. We are not the Facebook police and we will share all posts here as long as they are fact based or opinions based on facts posted!
Why should man expect his prayer for mercy to be heard by What is above him when he shows no mercy to what is under him? ~Pierre Troubetzkoy
Monday, September 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Let Me Be Frank
I am not going to sugarcoat this post one bit. I am sick and tired of this life saving mission we refer to as "Rescue". Rescue is not what it once was and in all honesty, I am embarrassed to even admit to being a rescuer at times. Why Because people have this idea that all rescuers are lunatics, thieves, hoarders and more. What once was a minority in rescue is now the norm. That is unacceptable to me.
I am so beyond furious over so much I am seeing from the other side now in rescue that I could seriously spit nails. Where have all of the honest and compassionate rescuers gone? What is happening to all of these animals after they are rescued? Do some of you even know? Do some of you even care to know the truth or is it easier to just throw money to a group and for a cause and that alone helps you sleep at night?
Let me tell you this much. There is so much dishonesty in rescue. If the majority of these so called rescuers or supporters of rescues would wake up we could get back to really saving lives and turn things around before we lose all hope.
Let's break down the terms here:
If you share photos and copy and paste pleas for help, you are helping, but you are NOT a rescuer. You are a cross-poster or a networker. Whatever term you prefer, that is what you are.
If you donate here and there to a dog that tugs at your heartstrings, you are helping, but you are NOT a rescuer. You are a contributor for these animals. Donations are always needed, but they only one portion of a much more complex situation.
If you call yourself a rescuer, you sure as hell better be doing it all. A real rescuer shares these animals, they donate, they transport, they go to the shelters, they sit at the vets and cry many tears, they foster and they actively look for permanent homes for these animals. They handle it all from the moment that dog is on their radar until that dogs death, even after he is in a home with a nice family. Because if they can't somehow honor their commitment to that animal, they step up again and start all over for that same dog. If you rescue an 8 week old puppy and he dies when he is 12 years old, a real rescuer is there for that dog for the full 12 years in case he ever finds himself in need again. Now tell me, are you confident in calling yourself a rescuer now? Let's call a spade a spade here. I just shudder to hear every Tom, Dick and Harry refer to themselves as a rescuer. It is an insult to the ones who do all of the real work. If even half of those people would really do what the real rescuers do, the real rescuers would not be at their breaking point all of the time and many more animals could be saved.
Side note: I am sure some of you are just disgusted with me for speaking so bluntly; what some of you would consider is rude or hateful of me to say is not that at all. It is what the real rescuers discuss all of the time but because it is so blunt it is rarely said out in the open because of all of the sensitive people out there that can't handle the truth. So in reality we have to keep smiling and keeping our real thoughts buried to avoid offending anyone. I think it needs to be said and I hope that it may sink in at least one skull. If it does, then it was a success. I figure the ones who will be offended by this are the ones who are lacking in really doing the work, or doing so much less than they know in their heart they are capable of. There, I said it. Now back to my original post. ------->
Reality is that rescue is so much more than pledging money to a rescue you don't know or know only through social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. It is not about just getting the dog out of the shelter either. That is one small piece of the puzzle. But how many times is a dog rescued and after they are sprung from the shelter they are forgotten? Too many times; more than you could imagine. More than you heart could probably handle knowing about.
There are so many groups who pull dog after dog many times cramming them into crowded foster homes and boarding facilities where they sit- many times forgotten. The rescue may not always forget them but I can almost guarantee about 95% of those supporters sure have. What chaps my ass the most is that these rescues, even with dogs in boarding eating away at the donation money that is used to fund their stays there, keep pulling more dogs even while others in their care waste away in another kennel. What you say? It is OK because the dog is alive and not at risk being killed? I beg to differ. Sometimes yes, it is acceptable and unavoidable (family emergency with the foster, etc) but that still doesn't make sense that the rescue supporting that foster and that dog would keep pulling more for new fosters instead of giving that place to the ones already IN their rescue. No dog deserves to live in a cage, no kill or not, for extended periods of time. Period. If you are one of the disillusioned people that thinks that boarding is a solution for these animals, I ask you to open your eyes and see these dogs just rotting away in places like that.
Do the names Gwinn and Rowdy ring a bell? They are two older gorgeous dogs in the Houston area that have been rotting in a kennel since October 2006. Almost 7 years now forgotten except by a small few who relentlessly try to find a loving home for them together. Do you mean to tell me that in almost 7 years and with over 1,500 members on a Facebook group for these two, there has not been one damn home that was equipped and able to take in 2 bonded dogs? BULLSHIT! What has happened is these dogs are considered safe by the "rescue world" and people are too damn busy pulling new dogs to give two shits about these 2 forgotten dogs. This is shameful and a true testament to the dirty little secrets of the rescue world. Now throw Gwinn and Rowdy back in a kill shelter and people will rally together and throw money their way and beg and plead for their safety. Now though, those same people can't seem to find a home for two lovable affectionate dogs? Makes absolutely no sense. None. Apparently the begging and pleading doesn't work, so maybe some pull your head out of you ass and do something speech might. Living in a kennel for SEVEN YEARS is no life for these two. They need and deserve a home. If you have 5 dogs in your home, kids and work full-time, OK maybe you have a real reason for not being able to help them. For the people with one dog and one kid who live in a home, if I hear you say one more damn time "I would take them if I could", I am going to puke and come through my computer and knock you straight in the face. Stop waiting for everyone else to do all of the work and for once try and do something to really help. Anyone can donate. Anyone can comment on a thread. Anyone can share. Anyone can pray. Sharing will only work if someone out there does more than share and opens up their home. Donating helps but even with a million dollars these dogs still need a home to really be saved. In my personal opinion prayers and commenting you would help if you could is all bologna. If prayers worked that good, there would be no use for rescuers and these animals would never be in these positions to begin with. Commenting you would help but doing nothing else just clogs up the threads. So please, shit or get off the pot. We need leaders and doers. There is already an overabundance of prayers and excuses.
Just look around these sites and you will come across many other Gwinn and Rowdy's. They are everywhere. Stuck in boarding and forgotten about by the masses. Too many rescuers left cold and dry by the many supporters who initially begged and pleaded for these dogs safety and now they are doing their best (some, not all) to keep their name in the spotlight so they can find homes for them. I can't even muster anymore inner strength tonight to go on anymore with this post. I had so many more points to make and have just stressed myself enough rehashing all of this in my brain. I will just end with a Thank You to the real heroes out there who are in the trenches for these animals everyday. You are the leaders. You are the doers. You are the epitome of what a real rescue is.
I leave you with the Facebook link for Gwinn and Rowdy. Stop by and say hello to these warrior rescuers who are still fighting for them and actively do something to help this pair. You may just be the angel they have been looking for. I sure hope so anyway.
Gwinn & Rowdy's Facebook Group- almost 7 years in boarding
Gwinn & Rowdy Facebook Page
And yet another link to a group who advocates for the forgotten ones. Go like their page and help.
Forgotten Pet Advocates
I am so beyond furious over so much I am seeing from the other side now in rescue that I could seriously spit nails. Where have all of the honest and compassionate rescuers gone? What is happening to all of these animals after they are rescued? Do some of you even know? Do some of you even care to know the truth or is it easier to just throw money to a group and for a cause and that alone helps you sleep at night?
Let me tell you this much. There is so much dishonesty in rescue. If the majority of these so called rescuers or supporters of rescues would wake up we could get back to really saving lives and turn things around before we lose all hope.
Let's break down the terms here:
If you share photos and copy and paste pleas for help, you are helping, but you are NOT a rescuer. You are a cross-poster or a networker. Whatever term you prefer, that is what you are.
If you donate here and there to a dog that tugs at your heartstrings, you are helping, but you are NOT a rescuer. You are a contributor for these animals. Donations are always needed, but they only one portion of a much more complex situation.
If you call yourself a rescuer, you sure as hell better be doing it all. A real rescuer shares these animals, they donate, they transport, they go to the shelters, they sit at the vets and cry many tears, they foster and they actively look for permanent homes for these animals. They handle it all from the moment that dog is on their radar until that dogs death, even after he is in a home with a nice family. Because if they can't somehow honor their commitment to that animal, they step up again and start all over for that same dog. If you rescue an 8 week old puppy and he dies when he is 12 years old, a real rescuer is there for that dog for the full 12 years in case he ever finds himself in need again. Now tell me, are you confident in calling yourself a rescuer now? Let's call a spade a spade here. I just shudder to hear every Tom, Dick and Harry refer to themselves as a rescuer. It is an insult to the ones who do all of the real work. If even half of those people would really do what the real rescuers do, the real rescuers would not be at their breaking point all of the time and many more animals could be saved.
Side note: I am sure some of you are just disgusted with me for speaking so bluntly; what some of you would consider is rude or hateful of me to say is not that at all. It is what the real rescuers discuss all of the time but because it is so blunt it is rarely said out in the open because of all of the sensitive people out there that can't handle the truth. So in reality we have to keep smiling and keeping our real thoughts buried to avoid offending anyone. I think it needs to be said and I hope that it may sink in at least one skull. If it does, then it was a success. I figure the ones who will be offended by this are the ones who are lacking in really doing the work, or doing so much less than they know in their heart they are capable of. There, I said it. Now back to my original post. ------->
Reality is that rescue is so much more than pledging money to a rescue you don't know or know only through social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. It is not about just getting the dog out of the shelter either. That is one small piece of the puzzle. But how many times is a dog rescued and after they are sprung from the shelter they are forgotten? Too many times; more than you could imagine. More than you heart could probably handle knowing about.
There are so many groups who pull dog after dog many times cramming them into crowded foster homes and boarding facilities where they sit- many times forgotten. The rescue may not always forget them but I can almost guarantee about 95% of those supporters sure have. What chaps my ass the most is that these rescues, even with dogs in boarding eating away at the donation money that is used to fund their stays there, keep pulling more dogs even while others in their care waste away in another kennel. What you say? It is OK because the dog is alive and not at risk being killed? I beg to differ. Sometimes yes, it is acceptable and unavoidable (family emergency with the foster, etc) but that still doesn't make sense that the rescue supporting that foster and that dog would keep pulling more for new fosters instead of giving that place to the ones already IN their rescue. No dog deserves to live in a cage, no kill or not, for extended periods of time. Period. If you are one of the disillusioned people that thinks that boarding is a solution for these animals, I ask you to open your eyes and see these dogs just rotting away in places like that.
Do the names Gwinn and Rowdy ring a bell? They are two older gorgeous dogs in the Houston area that have been rotting in a kennel since October 2006. Almost 7 years now forgotten except by a small few who relentlessly try to find a loving home for them together. Do you mean to tell me that in almost 7 years and with over 1,500 members on a Facebook group for these two, there has not been one damn home that was equipped and able to take in 2 bonded dogs? BULLSHIT! What has happened is these dogs are considered safe by the "rescue world" and people are too damn busy pulling new dogs to give two shits about these 2 forgotten dogs. This is shameful and a true testament to the dirty little secrets of the rescue world. Now throw Gwinn and Rowdy back in a kill shelter and people will rally together and throw money their way and beg and plead for their safety. Now though, those same people can't seem to find a home for two lovable affectionate dogs? Makes absolutely no sense. None. Apparently the begging and pleading doesn't work, so maybe some pull your head out of you ass and do something speech might. Living in a kennel for SEVEN YEARS is no life for these two. They need and deserve a home. If you have 5 dogs in your home, kids and work full-time, OK maybe you have a real reason for not being able to help them. For the people with one dog and one kid who live in a home, if I hear you say one more damn time "I would take them if I could", I am going to puke and come through my computer and knock you straight in the face. Stop waiting for everyone else to do all of the work and for once try and do something to really help. Anyone can donate. Anyone can comment on a thread. Anyone can share. Anyone can pray. Sharing will only work if someone out there does more than share and opens up their home. Donating helps but even with a million dollars these dogs still need a home to really be saved. In my personal opinion prayers and commenting you would help if you could is all bologna. If prayers worked that good, there would be no use for rescuers and these animals would never be in these positions to begin with. Commenting you would help but doing nothing else just clogs up the threads. So please, shit or get off the pot. We need leaders and doers. There is already an overabundance of prayers and excuses.
Just look around these sites and you will come across many other Gwinn and Rowdy's. They are everywhere. Stuck in boarding and forgotten about by the masses. Too many rescuers left cold and dry by the many supporters who initially begged and pleaded for these dogs safety and now they are doing their best (some, not all) to keep their name in the spotlight so they can find homes for them. I can't even muster anymore inner strength tonight to go on anymore with this post. I had so many more points to make and have just stressed myself enough rehashing all of this in my brain. I will just end with a Thank You to the real heroes out there who are in the trenches for these animals everyday. You are the leaders. You are the doers. You are the epitome of what a real rescue is.
I leave you with the Facebook link for Gwinn and Rowdy. Stop by and say hello to these warrior rescuers who are still fighting for them and actively do something to help this pair. You may just be the angel they have been looking for. I sure hope so anyway.
Gwinn & Rowdy's Facebook Group- almost 7 years in boarding
Gwinn & Rowdy Facebook Page
And yet another link to a group who advocates for the forgotten ones. Go like their page and help.
Forgotten Pet Advocates
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Stop abandoning your pets. You adopted them and now you must be responsible for them.
Stop breeding your pets. You need to get a better job and work to pay for your expenses and not breed your dog to make money off of their puppies in order to live a better life. Your better life makes for a shitty life for many of these animals.
Stop fighting your pets. It is cruel. They depend on you to keep them safe and not to make them suffer and fight so you will feel like a bigger man.
Stop neglecting your pet. Get them their vaccines so they are protected from diseases and so that others are not subjected to diseases they could potentially get. There is a reason these vaccines are there. You do not know what is best for your pet obviously if you deny them basic medical care.
Stop leaving them in the backyard in the blistering summers and frigid winters. They have fur yes, but this fur is not a shield from all elements. Most dogs want to be inside and do not like being a lawn ornament. They do not like muddy water covered in lawn clippings and food thrown out onto the cement. They do not like sleeping on concrete and having bugs all around when they are trying to sleep. Would you? I would like to see you survive one damn day in the yard. They bark because they are trying to tell you something. They dig to escape because they hate living in that hell hole of a yard. Get a clue.
Stop thinking that rescues are in existence to clean up all of your messes. They are here to help the ones on death row and the sick and injured first and foremost. They are not here to honor YOUR commitment and pick up the pieces of your failure. They are not hear to use their fundraising money to heal your sick dog because you were too lazy, selfish and cheap to do what was needed for them to prevent the illness. They are not here to take in your dog that you have outgrown for whatever reason just so your ignorant ass can beg them for the newest puppy they have taken in instead. Luckily for your pet rescues will often times help your sick pet because you sure as hell don't care to do so. I mean that $200 they need to survive could be better used to get that newest IPhone app, tattoo or set of rims you have been dying to have. You sorry piece of shit!
Stop expecting others to repair the broken system and rescue all of the needy dogs. Do your own damn part and spay and neuter your pets, vaccinate your pets and be an overall loving and responsible owner. Your dog chews, digs, barks, pees in the house and is too uncontrollable? Don't blame that dog and call him stupid. Blame yourself for not training him. Blame yourself for giving him a reason to have these bad behaviors and not doing your part to teach him differently. You on the other hand are stupid.
I for one would be digging everyday to escape such a life of neglect and sadness. To all those that do neglect their pets I say to you: You are a disgrace and a pathetic soul. You are right that dog needs a new home and fast because you do not deserve a dog. It pains me and terrifies me that you would ever be allowed to bear a child after how miserably you fail at caring for a dog. If i had my way, I would personally home neuter your ass or rip out your ovaries and make you sterile. You are obviously too ignorant to be spawning children and spreading your seed all over this terrestial ball we call home.
You people are the ones who make the rescuers job much more harder than it already is. Fortunately for these critters, we have more willpower and determination and we honor our commitments. Take a lesson from us.
Stop breeding your pets. You need to get a better job and work to pay for your expenses and not breed your dog to make money off of their puppies in order to live a better life. Your better life makes for a shitty life for many of these animals.
Stop fighting your pets. It is cruel. They depend on you to keep them safe and not to make them suffer and fight so you will feel like a bigger man.
Stop neglecting your pet. Get them their vaccines so they are protected from diseases and so that others are not subjected to diseases they could potentially get. There is a reason these vaccines are there. You do not know what is best for your pet obviously if you deny them basic medical care.
Stop leaving them in the backyard in the blistering summers and frigid winters. They have fur yes, but this fur is not a shield from all elements. Most dogs want to be inside and do not like being a lawn ornament. They do not like muddy water covered in lawn clippings and food thrown out onto the cement. They do not like sleeping on concrete and having bugs all around when they are trying to sleep. Would you? I would like to see you survive one damn day in the yard. They bark because they are trying to tell you something. They dig to escape because they hate living in that hell hole of a yard. Get a clue.
Stop thinking that rescues are in existence to clean up all of your messes. They are here to help the ones on death row and the sick and injured first and foremost. They are not here to honor YOUR commitment and pick up the pieces of your failure. They are not hear to use their fundraising money to heal your sick dog because you were too lazy, selfish and cheap to do what was needed for them to prevent the illness. They are not here to take in your dog that you have outgrown for whatever reason just so your ignorant ass can beg them for the newest puppy they have taken in instead. Luckily for your pet rescues will often times help your sick pet because you sure as hell don't care to do so. I mean that $200 they need to survive could be better used to get that newest IPhone app, tattoo or set of rims you have been dying to have. You sorry piece of shit!
Stop expecting others to repair the broken system and rescue all of the needy dogs. Do your own damn part and spay and neuter your pets, vaccinate your pets and be an overall loving and responsible owner. Your dog chews, digs, barks, pees in the house and is too uncontrollable? Don't blame that dog and call him stupid. Blame yourself for not training him. Blame yourself for giving him a reason to have these bad behaviors and not doing your part to teach him differently. You on the other hand are stupid.
I for one would be digging everyday to escape such a life of neglect and sadness. To all those that do neglect their pets I say to you: You are a disgrace and a pathetic soul. You are right that dog needs a new home and fast because you do not deserve a dog. It pains me and terrifies me that you would ever be allowed to bear a child after how miserably you fail at caring for a dog. If i had my way, I would personally home neuter your ass or rip out your ovaries and make you sterile. You are obviously too ignorant to be spawning children and spreading your seed all over this terrestial ball we call home.
You people are the ones who make the rescuers job much more harder than it already is. Fortunately for these critters, we have more willpower and determination and we honor our commitments. Take a lesson from us.
Cabala Blown To Pieces. Abuser Christopher Dillingham, 45 of Washington.
Too many cases of severe cruelty and abuse this week in the dog world.
One case that just makes me cringe and brought me to tears was the about a beautiful dog named Cabala.
Christopher Dillingham, 45, of Washington believed his dog Cabala was full of evil spirits summoned by his ex girlfriend so he decided to make a homemade explosive and attach it to Cabala's collar and murder her. When the cops arrived Cabala's body was blown to pieces all over the yard. He owns his own fireworks stand and used black powder from fireworks to make the explosive. I mean who would do that? I read that he fed her a lot of treats to keep her still while he attached the explosive. What a sick bastard. Cabala appears to be a beautiful blond Labrador from her photos. Dillingham appears to be a piece of shit nut job from his photos and his actions. So far Dillingham is not going to be charged with animal cruelty because of a loophole in the way the cruelty laws were written in that state. Because she died immediately they don't consider it cruel. What the hell? Are we so barbaric and ignorant that this would not be considered cruelty? Appalling and makes me so ashamed to even be a part of this human race.
I will update more on this story as it progresses. I hope that Cabala will be remembered and people will not forget this story. This man is a huge danger to society in my opinion and needs to be prosecuted for what he has done. Throw his ass in jail and let him deal with the consequences. But first make sure all the other inmates know the details. They will sentence him to a much harsher punishment I bet. Attached is a photo of Cabala. Just heartbreaking. Hope she is now resting in peace! Hope Dillingham will rot in prison. Preferably for what he did to her and if not, I hope another charge sticks to put this lunatic away.
Christopher Dillingham- Washington piece of shit abuser
Dillingham Articles- ABUSER
Dillingham- Abuser
One case that just makes me cringe and brought me to tears was the about a beautiful dog named Cabala.
Christopher Dillingham, 45, of Washington believed his dog Cabala was full of evil spirits summoned by his ex girlfriend so he decided to make a homemade explosive and attach it to Cabala's collar and murder her. When the cops arrived Cabala's body was blown to pieces all over the yard. He owns his own fireworks stand and used black powder from fireworks to make the explosive. I mean who would do that? I read that he fed her a lot of treats to keep her still while he attached the explosive. What a sick bastard. Cabala appears to be a beautiful blond Labrador from her photos. Dillingham appears to be a piece of shit nut job from his photos and his actions. So far Dillingham is not going to be charged with animal cruelty because of a loophole in the way the cruelty laws were written in that state. Because she died immediately they don't consider it cruel. What the hell? Are we so barbaric and ignorant that this would not be considered cruelty? Appalling and makes me so ashamed to even be a part of this human race.
I will update more on this story as it progresses. I hope that Cabala will be remembered and people will not forget this story. This man is a huge danger to society in my opinion and needs to be prosecuted for what he has done. Throw his ass in jail and let him deal with the consequences. But first make sure all the other inmates know the details. They will sentence him to a much harsher punishment I bet. Attached is a photo of Cabala. Just heartbreaking. Hope she is now resting in peace! Hope Dillingham will rot in prison. Preferably for what he did to her and if not, I hope another charge sticks to put this lunatic away.
Christopher Dillingham- Washington piece of shit abuser
Dillingham Articles- ABUSER
Dillingham- Abuser
Monday, August 5, 2013
Police Shooting Animals
Is anyone else with me in thinking that police obviously need more animal training. I am having a hard time believing that every one of these dogs that are shot are all aggressive.
I understand if the dog is charging the police and they are genuinely fearful for their safety that they may shoot, but can't they aim in a leg or shoulder even to stop them in their tracks instead of in the face and stomachs killing the dog? Many dogs that are being approached by people in uniforms can act aggressive but that does not mean they are aggressive or will act on the aggression. Seems too many law enforcement officials are trigger happy.
I have been reading stories about dogs shot in the most horrific ways and under the most ridiculous circumstances. And no matter how many pages are started to spread the word about such incidents and no matter how many letters are written to officials and news media nothing seems to change. I am going to be doing more reading into some of these cases I have come across and will report back with my thoughts and own opinions. But I will leave you with one question: What would YOU do if an officer came to your home and killed your beloved pet?
Toodaloo and catch up with you soon.
I understand if the dog is charging the police and they are genuinely fearful for their safety that they may shoot, but can't they aim in a leg or shoulder even to stop them in their tracks instead of in the face and stomachs killing the dog? Many dogs that are being approached by people in uniforms can act aggressive but that does not mean they are aggressive or will act on the aggression. Seems too many law enforcement officials are trigger happy.
I have been reading stories about dogs shot in the most horrific ways and under the most ridiculous circumstances. And no matter how many pages are started to spread the word about such incidents and no matter how many letters are written to officials and news media nothing seems to change. I am going to be doing more reading into some of these cases I have come across and will report back with my thoughts and own opinions. But I will leave you with one question: What would YOU do if an officer came to your home and killed your beloved pet?
Toodaloo and catch up with you soon.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Question For All
Going through our e-mails and the consensus is there are so many bad things going on in so many shelters (rescues too). I could write a 5,000 word post and still get nowhere near covering all the questions and concerns.
I figured instead, I would post and make this an interactive post for everyone to join in on.
Now, I don't figure a whole lot of people, if any, will participate because again the consensus is that the majority of people emailing are scared to hell of what will happen if they do. So I am calling for all the I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK people and asking that you all do comment and share. Now, please make sure that if it is something you do not have documentation of to back up the claims that you at least "bleep" out the shelter/rescue name and instead use city and state location especially if there are multiple shelters in your area, or even something like "Northern California", "South Florida", "West Texas", "Rural Ohio". Leave out the last names (first names are fine) of persons if you are referring to an individual person, or if it is someone in a certain position just refer to it as the "Shelter Manager". This way people can maybe figure things out to a degree but nobody is being slandered per say until an investigation or facts are provided. A lot of what happens in rescue is based on a hunch or here-say and that does not necessarily mean it is not true, but it does mean that we would like to be fair and post accurate information to the best of our ability. I am sure if what some of you are saying in email, it can be easily proven and verified and that you are not the only one who sees things that are happening.
For all of our readers that are not comfortable disclosing their identity we would love to hear from you too. You can email us at rescue.watchdog@gmail.com and we can share for you and omit the personal information that would help people to identify who you are.
I will close by saying that I personally am appalled at how the general rescue community has seem to lost themselves along the way. What seems to have started by some for all the right reasons seems to have been derailed and the focus is so clouded with all the wrong things. It is a shame too because these unfortunate fur souls need an army of helpers and instead of fighting for their lives many times we are fighting against one another. For that reason alone, we started this page. We are tired of sitting back and watching the debacle and even more tired of those that are taking something so wonderful (helping animals) and turning it into something so awful. One bad apple seems to have surely spoiled the whole bunch.
This is no longer an issue that comes along at a shelter here and there. This is now a problem that is shared all over the United States and the rest of the world. We are hoping to shed light on the issue and advocate for animals from California to New York and Texas to North Dakota and all states in between. This has become quite an epidemic.
I figured instead, I would post and make this an interactive post for everyone to join in on.
Now, I don't figure a whole lot of people, if any, will participate because again the consensus is that the majority of people emailing are scared to hell of what will happen if they do. So I am calling for all the I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK people and asking that you all do comment and share. Now, please make sure that if it is something you do not have documentation of to back up the claims that you at least "bleep" out the shelter/rescue name and instead use city and state location especially if there are multiple shelters in your area, or even something like "Northern California", "South Florida", "West Texas", "Rural Ohio". Leave out the last names (first names are fine) of persons if you are referring to an individual person, or if it is someone in a certain position just refer to it as the "Shelter Manager". This way people can maybe figure things out to a degree but nobody is being slandered per say until an investigation or facts are provided. A lot of what happens in rescue is based on a hunch or here-say and that does not necessarily mean it is not true, but it does mean that we would like to be fair and post accurate information to the best of our ability. I am sure if what some of you are saying in email, it can be easily proven and verified and that you are not the only one who sees things that are happening.
For all of our readers that are not comfortable disclosing their identity we would love to hear from you too. You can email us at rescue.watchdog@gmail.com and we can share for you and omit the personal information that would help people to identify who you are.
I will close by saying that I personally am appalled at how the general rescue community has seem to lost themselves along the way. What seems to have started by some for all the right reasons seems to have been derailed and the focus is so clouded with all the wrong things. It is a shame too because these unfortunate fur souls need an army of helpers and instead of fighting for their lives many times we are fighting against one another. For that reason alone, we started this page. We are tired of sitting back and watching the debacle and even more tired of those that are taking something so wonderful (helping animals) and turning it into something so awful. One bad apple seems to have surely spoiled the whole bunch.
This is no longer an issue that comes along at a shelter here and there. This is now a problem that is shared all over the United States and the rest of the world. We are hoping to shed light on the issue and advocate for animals from California to New York and Texas to North Dakota and all states in between. This has become quite an epidemic.
Great Links For Animal Lovers and Advocates
This is a very cool site with so much potential but seems a lot of people do not leave reviews. Wanted to share here and invite all of you to go to this site and leave some reviews for rescues you have had dealings with so that others can be better informed when researching their favorite charities. It is like a reference check for rescues. If we all left feedback here of our experiences and urged others to do the same, we would all be better informed.
Nonprofit Searches and Reviews
Have you ever found yourself clueless when it comes to reporting suspected animal abuse or when you have actual evidence of animal abuse? Have you ever been a victim of rescue fraud and did not know who to report it to? Well this article lists all the pertinent information for doing so. Great article and one we should all bookmark. I would be brave enough to say that a big problem in rescue is that for every crime reported, I bet that 10 issues go unreported therefore the problems persist. Advocate for change and report all suspected animal abuse and fraud to the authorities. It is time to be proactive and get changes in motion.
Examiner Article: How To Report Animal Abuse and Fraud
RIPOFF REPORT site. Use the link below and it should take you directly to the animal abuse section. I hope it does at least. There are many entries regarding animal abusers, rescues, scams and more. Take some time and look around. Better to be informed than a victim.
RIP OFF REPORT- unusual-rip-off-animal-abuse
A great link courtesy of the IRS regarding charitable donations. Great info for the charity itself as well as the donors. This is easy to understand and may help those of us that are regular contributors to these Nonprofits.
Time to lay this old lady down for bed. More to come.
Nonprofit Searches and Reviews
Have you ever found yourself clueless when it comes to reporting suspected animal abuse or when you have actual evidence of animal abuse? Have you ever been a victim of rescue fraud and did not know who to report it to? Well this article lists all the pertinent information for doing so. Great article and one we should all bookmark. I would be brave enough to say that a big problem in rescue is that for every crime reported, I bet that 10 issues go unreported therefore the problems persist. Advocate for change and report all suspected animal abuse and fraud to the authorities. It is time to be proactive and get changes in motion.
Examiner Article: How To Report Animal Abuse and Fraud
RIPOFF REPORT site. Use the link below and it should take you directly to the animal abuse section. I hope it does at least. There are many entries regarding animal abusers, rescues, scams and more. Take some time and look around. Better to be informed than a victim.
RIP OFF REPORT- unusual-rip-off-animal-abuse
A great link courtesy of the IRS regarding charitable donations. Great info for the charity itself as well as the donors. This is easy to understand and may help those of us that are regular contributors to these Nonprofits.
Time to lay this old lady down for bed. More to come.
Other "Watchdog" Type Sites You May Want To Visit
My personal apologies for not posting a whole lot lately. I was out of town for several weeks and shortly after returning I broke my ankle. My research helper and PT blogger also had a very busy last couple of months and has been a little absent as well. Now that I am stuck at home most of the time recuperating, I figured I would play catch up on the blog and post some updates and new info for our readers. We are always looking for stories for our blog and welcome any ideas if you would like to share. We also welcome feel good stories too to share with our readers. I promise to you all now, I will be posting more regularly from here on out so I invite all of you to subscribe and check back often for news and info.
Before I say goodnight I wanted to add a few more entries tonight.
Here are a few links I came across that some of you may want to take a looksie at. I think it is always a good idea to join forces and be as informed as possible. Now I will say that I have looked at some of these pages and some do offer information that people may find useful. I can not say however that anything posted on these sites is factual or not. That is up to you and your own investigative skills to find out and verify. We do our best on this blog to only post information that we can verify and stories that have some research and supporting documents to add.
Please remember to not pass judgement based solely on what you read, especially if it is not accompanied by documents to support allegations being made. We are not a court of law here on the Internet but rather a large group of like minded people trying to inform others of concerns and many times find a solution to remedy the situation. When that is not possible or seems out of reach at least we can try and spread the word so that the next time people will be more aware.
If your site/blog is included here and you would like us to remove it, please email us at rescue.watchdawg@gmail.com and we will happily honor that request.
Good Bad Unforgivable of Animal Rescue Blog
Good Bad Unforgivable of Animal Rescue FACEBOOK PAGE
News For People Who Care About Animals
Keeping a Watchful Eye on The Humane Society of the US
Monitoring Homeless Animal Outcomes at Open-Admission Shelters
Ban The Release of Shelter Animals To Research Facilities
More to come. Must get some rest. A big family luncheon tomorrow and I have a lot to do and need to make sure I don't sleep through it.
Before I say goodnight I wanted to add a few more entries tonight.
Here are a few links I came across that some of you may want to take a looksie at. I think it is always a good idea to join forces and be as informed as possible. Now I will say that I have looked at some of these pages and some do offer information that people may find useful. I can not say however that anything posted on these sites is factual or not. That is up to you and your own investigative skills to find out and verify. We do our best on this blog to only post information that we can verify and stories that have some research and supporting documents to add.
Please remember to not pass judgement based solely on what you read, especially if it is not accompanied by documents to support allegations being made. We are not a court of law here on the Internet but rather a large group of like minded people trying to inform others of concerns and many times find a solution to remedy the situation. When that is not possible or seems out of reach at least we can try and spread the word so that the next time people will be more aware.
If your site/blog is included here and you would like us to remove it, please email us at rescue.watchdawg@gmail.com and we will happily honor that request.
Good Bad Unforgivable of Animal Rescue Blog
Good Bad Unforgivable of Animal Rescue FACEBOOK PAGE
News For People Who Care About Animals
Keeping a Watchful Eye on The Humane Society of the US
Monitoring Homeless Animal Outcomes at Open-Admission Shelters
Ban The Release of Shelter Animals To Research Facilities
More to come. Must get some rest. A big family luncheon tomorrow and I have a lot to do and need to make sure I don't sleep through it.
Ashley Nicole Miller Case Additional Info
Here is a radio show that Ashley Nicole Miller was invited to be a guest on to speak about her case and give updates.
Ashley Nicole Miller Radio Interview
Statements made by Barbie and Anne (interviewers): "I have never seen any proof of any abuse. It has just been Facebook witch hunt bashing in my opinion"; "Unless I see you beating a dog with a baseball bat to death, I stand firmly behind you"; and "I agree with Barbie. I don't see any abused animals".
So it is only abuse if she were to beat a dog with a baseball bat to DEATH? Oh lord, help any animal that ends up in her care if that is the only thing she perceives as abuse. All the laughing and giggling over a case like this was unacceptable in my opinion.
Are these ladies BLIND???? Did they not read the police reports? So putting rubber bands on your dogs testicles and being on video kicking your dog numerous times is acceptable and legal?
Not to sway anyone else, but I personally think all of this is just excuse after excuse (my own opinion here). MAYBE she was not necessarily beating them on a daily basis, but those rubber bands did not end up on the testicles of those dogs on their own. Those ears weren't cropped on their own (regarding pic of dog in head bandages) and that video of Ashley kicking her dog and him cowering near her at times was not an illusion.
I am no law professional or law enforcement officer but from the photos I have seen, the documents I have read and the video I watched I find it hard to support anyone who thinks that these dogs were all smiles and so happy in her care. I know that she is not one of the worst cases I have read about and I would not go as far as saying she should never own an animal again but I do feel she was wrong in her treatment of them and I feel she took no responsibility whatsoever for anything that happened to those dogs while in her care and possession. Maybe she just views dogs differently than many other rescuers and genuinely feels she did nothing wrong, but the evidence I have seen does not support that innocence claim.
Lastly, Ashley also filed a suit against the City of Killeen for emotional trauma and defamation. She stated she moved out of the state of Texas because of the threats and abuse as a result of these false allegations. Trying to find out the status of this case; if it is still active or was settled or dismissed. If anyone has the case outcome, please email us so we can share with our readers. Our email is rescue.watchdawg@gmail.com
Ashley Nicole Miller Files Suit Against Killeen Texas
Ashley Nicole Miller Radio Interview
Statements made by Barbie and Anne (interviewers): "I have never seen any proof of any abuse. It has just been Facebook witch hunt bashing in my opinion"; "Unless I see you beating a dog with a baseball bat to death, I stand firmly behind you"; and "I agree with Barbie. I don't see any abused animals".
So it is only abuse if she were to beat a dog with a baseball bat to DEATH? Oh lord, help any animal that ends up in her care if that is the only thing she perceives as abuse. All the laughing and giggling over a case like this was unacceptable in my opinion.
Are these ladies BLIND???? Did they not read the police reports? So putting rubber bands on your dogs testicles and being on video kicking your dog numerous times is acceptable and legal?
Not to sway anyone else, but I personally think all of this is just excuse after excuse (my own opinion here). MAYBE she was not necessarily beating them on a daily basis, but those rubber bands did not end up on the testicles of those dogs on their own. Those ears weren't cropped on their own (regarding pic of dog in head bandages) and that video of Ashley kicking her dog and him cowering near her at times was not an illusion.
I am no law professional or law enforcement officer but from the photos I have seen, the documents I have read and the video I watched I find it hard to support anyone who thinks that these dogs were all smiles and so happy in her care. I know that she is not one of the worst cases I have read about and I would not go as far as saying she should never own an animal again but I do feel she was wrong in her treatment of them and I feel she took no responsibility whatsoever for anything that happened to those dogs while in her care and possession. Maybe she just views dogs differently than many other rescuers and genuinely feels she did nothing wrong, but the evidence I have seen does not support that innocence claim.
Lastly, Ashley also filed a suit against the City of Killeen for emotional trauma and defamation. She stated she moved out of the state of Texas because of the threats and abuse as a result of these false allegations. Trying to find out the status of this case; if it is still active or was settled or dismissed. If anyone has the case outcome, please email us so we can share with our readers. Our email is rescue.watchdawg@gmail.com
Ashley Nicole Miller Files Suit Against Killeen Texas
Saturday, August 3, 2013
I Must Say This
I just received an email from a friend in Southern Cali.
It was about two small (adorable) senior females dumped at Downey Animal Shelter.
I will never understand the dead hearts of some of these people who think it is acceptable to dump their beloved family pets, especially seniors, at a high kill shelter.
If I could ask them a few questions it would be:
How can you take away these animals right to live out the rest of their remaining time in a home, but instead leave them at a kill shelter to die alone and scared?
Do you have children of your own? Even though I am not a hateful person, I hope that if you do have children that one day when you are brittle and old that they tire of you as you have of your dogs who depended on you for safety and love that they will have no qualms about driving you to the nearest old folks home and leaving you there never to visit or call. And I hope that this facility is one that is sub par and known for health violations and neglect so that you can see just how much it hurts to be discarded by those that are suppose to love and protect you.
I have more questions I would love to ask them right before I take a deep breath and proceed to punching them in the face and spitting on them. These sorts of people are trash and have no business owning an animal ever again. They also deserve to know just what a bottom feeder of society they really are.
I wonder, do these people really not have any clue what shelter life is like for these animals or do they just have such a hole in their chest where their heart should be that they could care less. Sadly I have come to the conclusion that 90% of people who dump their pets just simply do not care at all.
I wish that there were harsher laws/penalties and repercussions for people who are so quick to dump their animals. Maybe a national database that they can be listed on that would allow others the ability to deny them an animal ever again. I pray for something like that every night. It is just too bad and such a testament to how lazy and selfish we are as a society that this is acceptable to so many people and that our shelter system and basic acceptance in this world for these types of people continues to allow it.
If any of our readers are in that area of Cali or happens to have close contacts to people in that area please do spread the word for this pair. They will need luck on their side to make it out of that death camp known as Downey!
It was about two small (adorable) senior females dumped at Downey Animal Shelter.
I will never understand the dead hearts of some of these people who think it is acceptable to dump their beloved family pets, especially seniors, at a high kill shelter.
If I could ask them a few questions it would be:
How can you take away these animals right to live out the rest of their remaining time in a home, but instead leave them at a kill shelter to die alone and scared?
Do you have children of your own? Even though I am not a hateful person, I hope that if you do have children that one day when you are brittle and old that they tire of you as you have of your dogs who depended on you for safety and love that they will have no qualms about driving you to the nearest old folks home and leaving you there never to visit or call. And I hope that this facility is one that is sub par and known for health violations and neglect so that you can see just how much it hurts to be discarded by those that are suppose to love and protect you.
I have more questions I would love to ask them right before I take a deep breath and proceed to punching them in the face and spitting on them. These sorts of people are trash and have no business owning an animal ever again. They also deserve to know just what a bottom feeder of society they really are.
I wonder, do these people really not have any clue what shelter life is like for these animals or do they just have such a hole in their chest where their heart should be that they could care less. Sadly I have come to the conclusion that 90% of people who dump their pets just simply do not care at all.
I wish that there were harsher laws/penalties and repercussions for people who are so quick to dump their animals. Maybe a national database that they can be listed on that would allow others the ability to deny them an animal ever again. I pray for something like that every night. It is just too bad and such a testament to how lazy and selfish we are as a society that this is acceptable to so many people and that our shelter system and basic acceptance in this world for these types of people continues to allow it.
If any of our readers are in that area of Cali or happens to have close contacts to people in that area please do spread the word for this pair. They will need luck on their side to make it out of that death camp known as Downey!
**DOWNEY ANIMAL SHELTER, CA** **URGENT!!!** Dumped bonded senior
pair! Tiny adorable pair of girls were dumped by their owner 8/1 and already in
danger. They are both really tiny and sweet. The chi has no teeth but is happy
Please HELP them!
F chi
11 years old
F terrier mix
9 years old
11258 South Garfield Avenue
Downey, CA 90242
Monday- Thursday: 12:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday-Sunday: 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Holidays – Limited Operations
Downey Animal Care Center: (562) 940-6898
A Rescue Prayer
Now I lay me down to rest
I pray my soul can stand this test
Of watching critters lose their homes
While owners gripe and cry and moan
I long for strength of spirit that
They'll find a loving home again
Where they will know a loving heart
I can't do much, but it's a start
And spare me from the owner's pleas
About the baby's allergies
Or how they're moving out of state
Or spitefulness 'tween cat and mate
Please keep me sane while dealing with
The woman who bought as a gift
A wriggling tiny ball of fluff
That now is playing way too rough
Remind me I should bite my lip
When confronted with "he grew too quick"
"I didn't know he'd get so large"
"He seems to think that he's in charge"
Protect my heart when I hear them say
"I think we'll breed our dog one day"
Sometimes I think it'll break in two;
Each day brings trials harsh and new
And if I die before I wake
I pray one hopeless soul you'll take
My tears are gone, my faith is bare
Lord, please hear my rescue prayer.
~ Unknown
For Those Who Need A Good Laugh
Wish all could be trained to do this.
Concerns in the Dallas Fort Worth (and Suburban) Rescue Market
We have been receiving numerous concerns from people in the DFW suburban area the last week now, and are looking into these concerns and compiling information so we can bring it all to the attention of our readers.
Without releasing any names at this time (due to our ongoing investigation and research) we are looking into the matter of one rescue that has recently been trying to raise funds for a dog they claim to be in a rescue in another part of Texas that they are helping. This dog is severely burned it appears from head to toe and in horrific condition. Thankfully one of the thread followers recognized the dog and it appears that the photo they are using to solicit funds is the photo of a dog that was rescued in North Carolina and passed away from the injuries back in March of 2011. At this time, we are unsure why a rescue would be raising funds for a dog not in their immediate care and why the dog that they are claiming needs funds has been dead over 2 years. Quickly after this was pointed out and people began to express concern over their intentions the poster allegedly began deleting and banning people from the thread and their Facebook page and making statements that she had no idea that was the same dog and she accidentally posted the wrong photo. This was going on in the midst of some people asking numerous times for vet info and the poster never supplying this information. I guess not because it would be impossible to supply vet info for a dog that is not even alive. Instead she continued to ask that people donate to the Paypal link she had listed. As is common in rescue the thread has since been deleted and for some rescues this is how they operate and manage to keep the secrets in the closet even after such a failed attempt at what appears to be fraud. Luckily for our readers we have been sent copies of the entire thread and when the time is right we will publish that here on our blog for our readers to view.
In addition to this, a local trusted rescue in the DFW area was raided this week and over 200 dogs on the property were seized for living in filthy conditions. This has been written about in the papers and was on the local news so I feel confident releasing their name for all to look into further. We are also looking into the matter with a more detailed eye also. Their name is Animal Guardians of America. The facility was located in Celina Texas but records show an address of operation in Plano Texas. More info to come on this story.
Lastly there seems to be a concern and epidemic in the area with less than honorable rescues running amidst the reputable ones. We are looking into other allegations and concerns with that areas rescues and shelters and will report when we have more solid information to provide.
In the meantime while we bust our rumps doing research for our furry friends and their devoted advocates we invite all of you to take a moment and complete the following research poll below. It could potentially offer a lot of insight into the rescue scams and hopefully even provide enough information to advocate for change within the rescue community ultimately saving many more lives.
Have a blessed day!
SURVEY POLL (your information will remain private)
Without releasing any names at this time (due to our ongoing investigation and research) we are looking into the matter of one rescue that has recently been trying to raise funds for a dog they claim to be in a rescue in another part of Texas that they are helping. This dog is severely burned it appears from head to toe and in horrific condition. Thankfully one of the thread followers recognized the dog and it appears that the photo they are using to solicit funds is the photo of a dog that was rescued in North Carolina and passed away from the injuries back in March of 2011. At this time, we are unsure why a rescue would be raising funds for a dog not in their immediate care and why the dog that they are claiming needs funds has been dead over 2 years. Quickly after this was pointed out and people began to express concern over their intentions the poster allegedly began deleting and banning people from the thread and their Facebook page and making statements that she had no idea that was the same dog and she accidentally posted the wrong photo. This was going on in the midst of some people asking numerous times for vet info and the poster never supplying this information. I guess not because it would be impossible to supply vet info for a dog that is not even alive. Instead she continued to ask that people donate to the Paypal link she had listed. As is common in rescue the thread has since been deleted and for some rescues this is how they operate and manage to keep the secrets in the closet even after such a failed attempt at what appears to be fraud. Luckily for our readers we have been sent copies of the entire thread and when the time is right we will publish that here on our blog for our readers to view.
In addition to this, a local trusted rescue in the DFW area was raided this week and over 200 dogs on the property were seized for living in filthy conditions. This has been written about in the papers and was on the local news so I feel confident releasing their name for all to look into further. We are also looking into the matter with a more detailed eye also. Their name is Animal Guardians of America. The facility was located in Celina Texas but records show an address of operation in Plano Texas. More info to come on this story.
Lastly there seems to be a concern and epidemic in the area with less than honorable rescues running amidst the reputable ones. We are looking into other allegations and concerns with that areas rescues and shelters and will report when we have more solid information to provide.
In the meantime while we bust our rumps doing research for our furry friends and their devoted advocates we invite all of you to take a moment and complete the following research poll below. It could potentially offer a lot of insight into the rescue scams and hopefully even provide enough information to advocate for change within the rescue community ultimately saving many more lives.
Have a blessed day!
SURVEY POLL (your information will remain private)
Monday, March 11, 2013
Posting here in response to an email we have received. We kindly ask that all of you remain patient with us in posting your submissions and responding to emails. We have families of our own, jobs and animals to properly care for. We check our messages as often as allowed. Reminder, we must have proper documentation regarding matters that are submitted to us prior to sharing with the community. This could be in the form of call logs, emails, texts, voice recording, witness statements, screenshots and more. We want to be fair and not become a page that is here to attack and hurt anyone. We are here to inform and share information we feel needs to be relayed to the rescue community. Our goal is to protect animals and fellow rescuers from harm, heartache and financial loss.
We have a few stories we are working on now trying to gather all documents needed. Check back in periodically for new stories and updates.
Happy rescuing,
We have a few stories we are working on now trying to gather all documents needed. Check back in periodically for new stories and updates.
Happy rescuing,
Friday, March 1, 2013
March 16, 2011 was a night to remember that we wish we could all forget. That is the night many of us were made aware of a young Pitbull puppy that would later be named Patrick.
Keisha Curtis, Patrick's owner, tossed this puppy down a garbage chute in her apartment building. He was tossed down this chute from the 19th floor apartment where Keisha Curtis (KC) lived. Patrick was found the next day by a maintenance worker in poor condition. At first they were unsure if Patrick was even alive due to his horrific condition (image 1). This poor puppy weighed barely 20 pounds.
The authorities were called and he was immediately taken to Garden State Vet Specialists where with the help of AHS of Popcorn Park, NJ he was immediately given treatment for his condition and thus began his long road to recovery.
Patricks story touched many people throughout the USA and other parts of the world.
Patrick is now a healthy and happy boy and is still looking for his forever home. Thank you to those that saved this sweet boy from a miserable death.
Carolyn A. Murray, Acting Essex County Prosecutor
50 W Market St # 3
Newark, NJ 07102-1690
(973) 621-4700
Be honest, but be RESPECTFUL.
Last I have heard, and I am having a hard time getting current info was that KC was found guilty by the Grand Jury and was facing up to 18 months in jail. She also could get off scott free. We have seen our judicial system let us down too many times before. Do any of our readers have current update on her sentencing? Please email us if you can offer updates.
Updates on Patrick can be found on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ThePatrickMiracle?fref=ts
Trying to locate photos of his abuser, Keisha Curtis also so share with us if you have some.
PATRICK WHEN RESCUED- (photos courtesy of Patrick's Facebook page)

Keisha Curtis, Patrick's owner, tossed this puppy down a garbage chute in her apartment building. He was tossed down this chute from the 19th floor apartment where Keisha Curtis (KC) lived. Patrick was found the next day by a maintenance worker in poor condition. At first they were unsure if Patrick was even alive due to his horrific condition (image 1). This poor puppy weighed barely 20 pounds.
The authorities were called and he was immediately taken to Garden State Vet Specialists where with the help of AHS of Popcorn Park, NJ he was immediately given treatment for his condition and thus began his long road to recovery.
Patricks story touched many people throughout the USA and other parts of the world.
Patrick is now a healthy and happy boy and is still looking for his forever home. Thank you to those that saved this sweet boy from a miserable death.
Info on Keisha Curtis:
Friday, March 25, 2011, Ms. Curtis was charged with two counts of abandonment and two counts of failure to provide proper sustenance to the animal. This crime carries a sentence of UP TO 6 months in jail and UP TO a $1,000 fine. HUH? That is all for this horrific abuse? Well, if you think this is too lenient for New Jersey law, contact: The Prosecutor’s office to contact is:
Essex County: Prosecutor’s Office:Carolyn A. Murray, Acting Essex County Prosecutor
50 W Market St # 3
Newark, NJ 07102-1690
(973) 621-4700
Be honest, but be RESPECTFUL.
Last I have heard, and I am having a hard time getting current info was that KC was found guilty by the Grand Jury and was facing up to 18 months in jail. She also could get off scott free. We have seen our judicial system let us down too many times before. Do any of our readers have current update on her sentencing? Please email us if you can offer updates.
Updates on Patrick can be found on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ThePatrickMiracle?fref=ts
Trying to locate photos of his abuser, Keisha Curtis also so share with us if you have some.
PATRICK WHEN RESCUED- (photos courtesy of Patrick's Facebook page)

PATRICK NOW- (photos courtesy of Patrick's Facebook page)
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