Why should man expect his prayer for mercy to be heard by What is above him when he shows no mercy to what is under him? ~Pierre Troubetzkoy
Friday, January 11, 2013
Brian Freeman- Bronx New York- Elevator Dog Abuse
September 10, 2012
Brian Freeman was caught on surveillance video kicking and slapping his frightened dog in an elevator. The footage shows the Pit Bull mix female, named Hazel, cowering against the wall and squirming while receiving six kicks and a slap to her face during the cruel attack.
Watch the video here: http://landing.newsinc.com/shared/video.html?vcid=23799186&freewheel=90051&sitesection=nydailynews
Brian Freeman was caught on surveillance video kicking and slapping his frightened dog in an elevator. The footage shows the Pit Bull mix female, named Hazel, cowering against the wall and squirming while receiving six kicks and a slap to her face during the cruel attack.
Watch the video here: http://landing.newsinc.com/shared/video.html?vcid=23799186&freewheel=90051&sitesection=nydailynews
Have An Issue You Would Like To Share? Contact Us!
If you have a story you would like to share? Have a rescuer that you are aware of that is giving other rescuers a bad name? Have a shelter that is lacking in adequate care for the animals? Please send us an email, along with any documentation you may have to:
Some examples of documentation would include the following: Emails, Facebook messages, screenshots, witness statements, and police reports.
If you would like your personal information to remain private, please let us know and we will remove all pertinent information prior to sharing on our blog. Only initials and location or first name and location will be used if you choose to remain anonymous.
Unlike Facebook, we care about protecting our followers and no-one reporting information that could be detrimental to these animals should have to be put at risk for personal attacks, ridicule and any other form of abuse or harassment. We want our 'watchdawgs' to feel safe in reporting any concerns they have.
Thank you,
Rescue Watchdawgs
PETA Investigates- Multiple Cases- MUST READ
Peta is known worldwide. Some know them as being quite radical in their views and such, but this article is a good read, and has some insightful information.
Courtesy and Shared From the PETA site:
"No-kill" Label Slowly Killing animals
Eye-Opening Articles- More Scams To Beware of.
Let me say that in no way are we trying to deter anyone from rescuing a needy animal, or helping a deserving rescue in their efforts to save lives. What we are asking is that you always research and find out about these rescues before giving them your money. Find a local rescue and become involved. I am sure the legitimate rescues will have no reservations about answering any questions you may have and providing lengthy references to verify their character and their successes in the field. The ones who are unwilling to disclose information or seem to be annoyed at the questions, are the ones you should be weary of. A real rescue will welcome any help they are offered and do whatever they can within their means to help you see how wonderful they really are.
Posted below are more articles regarding issues in the rescue world. Excerpts from each article will precede article link:
"Sadly, abandoned pets are an occasional fact of life in a boarding kennel operation, but that’s not my topic in this column. I want to write about what feels like scams—so-called “rescue” organizations that solicit donations, list pets on the Internet, and have changed the face of pet adoption in the Northeast. Help Save One takes donations on their website, proudly bragging about how much they raise. They also list 47 dogs (yes, forty-seven!) on Petfinder,com—but not the dog they abandoned with us."
"Imagine, you come across an unwell, malnourished dog in the street. The first instinct would be to provide care and a loving home. The problem is, as this activist found out – if you take a ‘stray’ dog home, you could be concealing stolen property"
"There are a growing number of puppy mills or puppy brokers posing as animal rescuers. They charge an exorbitant "adoption fee", when in reality they are breeders or brokers selling reject puppies they couldn't sell on their own. They are just trying to turn a quick buck by preying on your good intentions to help a dog in need."
"Many people in recent years have looked torescues for their new furry family member.Adopting a homeless pet is a great way toexperience the love of an animal while saving alife. The Humane Society of the United Statesestimates that over 3500 animal shelters operatein the U.S. today. Along with shelters, a numberof smaller organizations also work to find homesfor surrendered animals.
These organizations are often run on a smaller scale than mostshelters and volunteers frequently pay the costs associated withrescue. Sadly, not all "rescues" you might see on the Internet or advertised in magazines are legitimate"
Posted below are more articles regarding issues in the rescue world. Excerpts from each article will precede article link:
"Sadly, abandoned pets are an occasional fact of life in a boarding kennel operation, but that’s not my topic in this column. I want to write about what feels like scams—so-called “rescue” organizations that solicit donations, list pets on the Internet, and have changed the face of pet adoption in the Northeast. Help Save One takes donations on their website, proudly bragging about how much they raise. They also list 47 dogs (yes, forty-seven!) on Petfinder,com—but not the dog they abandoned with us."
"Imagine, you come across an unwell, malnourished dog in the street. The first instinct would be to provide care and a loving home. The problem is, as this activist found out – if you take a ‘stray’ dog home, you could be concealing stolen property"
"There are a growing number of puppy mills or puppy brokers posing as animal rescuers. They charge an exorbitant "adoption fee", when in reality they are breeders or brokers selling reject puppies they couldn't sell on their own. They are just trying to turn a quick buck by preying on your good intentions to help a dog in need."
"Many people in recent years have looked torescues for their new furry family member.Adopting a homeless pet is a great way toexperience the love of an animal while saving alife. The Humane Society of the United Statesestimates that over 3500 animal shelters operatein the U.S. today. Along with shelters, a numberof smaller organizations also work to find homesfor surrendered animals.
These organizations are often run on a smaller scale than mostshelters and volunteers frequently pay the costs associated withrescue. Sadly, not all "rescues" you might see on the Internet or advertised in magazines are legitimate"
"There are a number of wonderfully caring and perfectly respectable dog rescue organizations out there, but unfortunately not all of them are what they seem. The newest scam is for supposed rescuers to search shelters, Craigslist, The Penny Saver, etc., to locate dogs which are in high demand and easy to sell. These con-artists will then obtain the dog, often seeking out purebred or family dogs, and then sell them. They will refer to this charge as an adoption or rehoming fee, and will turn around and make a pretty serious profit."
A THREAD ON FACEBOOK REGARDING A RESCUE WHO ALLEGEDLY IS LACKING IN RESCUE RESPONSIBILITIES: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.566445943371777.147165.302521793097528&type=1
Teresa Weldon and Others- FOUR PAWS AND HOOVES- Springtown, Texas
Teresa Weldon, owner of Four Paws and Hooves Rescue had 58 dogs seized from her home that she shared with four other adults in Springtown area, Texas May 2012. Ultimately, three dogs were euthanized shortly after authorities seized them in May (2 adults and one puppy) and then five puppies died a few days later, Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler said after the canines were taken away.
Two dogs, a puppy and a PitBull adult were euthanized due to severe neglect and health conditions as a result of the living conditions. A one year old child was found in his crib surrounded by animal feces as well, and charges for child endangerment were filed. Teresa Weldon is also a former animal control officer, so I am sure she was well aware these conditions were not acceptable.
Thirty-one of the seized dogs were found living in their own feces and urine in crates, some stacked one on top of the other inside the home, lead sheriff’s office investigator John Qualls reported.
“The conditions were so poor that it created a serious health hazard for the occupants as well,” Qualls said. “There was an overwhelming foul odor of dog feces which was detectable from outside the residence. It was extremely unhealthy for both humans and animals.”
The dogs inside the house were without any food or water. The animals outside on the property did have some water/food but several outdoor pens containing puppies were filled with animal feces, urine and even vomit.
Teresa Weldon, the property owner, was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Tarrant County on a theft of property by check charge. Weldon was charged with multiple accounts of animal cruelty.
Weldon was allowed to adopt animals from an out-of-county animal shelter in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex without a proper background check, the sheriff’s office reported.
It wasn’t clear which animal shelter the dogs were adopted from, but some have said Arlington Shelter in Arlington Texas as well as Weatherford Shelter and Fort Worth Animal Shelter to name a few.
Prior to the raid on Weldon's property, since July 2011, the county responded to five additional animal calls at her residence. No reports were ever made though.
“A child endangerment case is being investigated, with pending charges for additional individuals living inside the residence,” Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations Lt. Mark Arnett said, “Child Protective Services was notified immediately for obvious poor environmental conditions which was alarmingly
unhealthy for the child. CPS ruled the scene as unsuitable.”
September 2012 UPDATE: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/09/05/4232808/man-given-probation-in-animal.html
Thirty-one of the seized dogs were found living in their own feces and urine in crates, some stacked one on top of the other inside the home, lead sheriff’s office investigator John Qualls reported.
“The conditions were so poor that it created a serious health hazard for the occupants as well,” Qualls said. “There was an overwhelming foul odor of dog feces which was detectable from outside the residence. It was extremely unhealthy for both humans and animals.”
The dogs inside the house were without any food or water. The animals outside on the property did have some water/food but several outdoor pens containing puppies were filled with animal feces, urine and even vomit.
Teresa Weldon, the property owner, was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Tarrant County on a theft of property by check charge. Weldon was charged with multiple accounts of animal cruelty.
Weldon was allowed to adopt animals from an out-of-county animal shelter in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex without a proper background check, the sheriff’s office reported.
It wasn’t clear which animal shelter the dogs were adopted from, but some have said Arlington Shelter in Arlington Texas as well as Weatherford Shelter and Fort Worth Animal Shelter to name a few.
Prior to the raid on Weldon's property, since July 2011, the county responded to five additional animal calls at her residence. No reports were ever made though.
“A child endangerment case is being investigated, with pending charges for additional individuals living inside the residence,” Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations Lt. Mark Arnett said, “Child Protective Services was notified immediately for obvious poor environmental conditions which was alarmingly
unhealthy for the child. CPS ruled the scene as unsuitable.”

September 2012 UPDATE: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/09/05/4232808/man-given-probation-in-animal.html
ARK Animal Shelter RAIDED- Deland, Florida
November 8, 2012
100 cats and 26 dogs were seized at a Central Florida no-kill animal shelter after police with warrants seized the location. Unfortunately, This is the 4th No-Kill shelter raided in Florida in three years time. Over 40 cats were found free roaming during the raid and had to be trapped. The The raid was executed after receiving several complaints from concerned people regarding neglect and the animals living in bad conditions.
100 cats and 26 dogs were seized at a Central Florida no-kill animal shelter after police with warrants seized the location. Unfortunately, This is the 4th No-Kill shelter raided in Florida in three years time. Over 40 cats were found free roaming during the raid and had to be trapped. The The raid was executed after receiving several complaints from concerned people regarding neglect and the animals living in bad conditions.
PAWS AND CLAWS- Shannon Lacewell- Wingo, Kentucky
This situation brought tears to my eyes when I read of it when it happened. I will never comprehend how anyone can allow this sort of thing to ever happen.
ARC- Animal Rescue Corps assisted the Graves County Sheriff’s Office today in the rescue of around 100 dogs found living in disgusting and inhumane conditions at Paws and Claws Rescue in Wingo, Kentucky.
Sadly, there were also dead dogs and their remains scattered throughout the property and starving dogs found to be feeding on the remains in an effort to stay alive. Several bodies were found in burn piles as well throughout the property.
Quoted from someone who was on the scene, “This is one of the worst cases of animal abuse I have seen,” said Animal Rescue Corps President Scotlund Haisley. “The dogs had no access to food, water, or shelter. They were eating each other to stay alive.”
Photo Credit: Kristina B. (hard to see the print)
NOTE: This statement was found on the following page of Paws and Claws. However, this is a different Paws and Claws also based in Kentucky. They state they are NOT the same rescue as the one were the seizure occurred. Please make sure to not confuse the two as they are separate entities ad rescue groups. DO YOUR RESEARCH PLEASE!
On July 17, 2012, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department served warrants and raided Spindletop Refuge Rescue in Wills, Texas.
Spindletop was well known is the rescue community as maybe the largest Pit Bull rescue in all of Texas, owned by Leah Purcell. When raided, there were over 300 Pit Bulls, and Pit Bull types that were living in deplorable conditions that needed to be seized. Well, if you rescue in Texas, or if you rescue Pit Bulls and other Bully type breeds, I am sure you have heard this story.
So instead of me rehashing the details many of you already known and some saw first hand, I will share the links below for you to browse through and read the details of the seize and the efforts after the seizure to help these 'rescued' dogs find rescue once again.
Here is a quote copied from one of the articles posted below: Kim Gavens, who had given a stray dog named Sweetie to the refuge, said she was stunned when she heard the news.
Spindletop was well known is the rescue community as maybe the largest Pit Bull rescue in all of Texas, owned by Leah Purcell. When raided, there were over 300 Pit Bulls, and Pit Bull types that were living in deplorable conditions that needed to be seized. Well, if you rescue in Texas, or if you rescue Pit Bulls and other Bully type breeds, I am sure you have heard this story.
So instead of me rehashing the details many of you already known and some saw first hand, I will share the links below for you to browse through and read the details of the seize and the efforts after the seizure to help these 'rescued' dogs find rescue once again.
Here is a quote copied from one of the articles posted below: Kim Gavens, who had given a stray dog named Sweetie to the refuge, said she was stunned when she heard the news.
“I had originally heard they only had 57 dogs,” Gavens said. “The place had such a good reputation among people I had talked to. We had no real reason to distrust what anyone had said about it. Purcell seemed so genuine.”
So please BE INFORMED and check out all rescues and people you send any dog too. Do not rely on others to do it for you, and do not always rely on personal references. What at one time was a great rescue, for whatever reason, quickly became hell on earth for many of these animals that were saved from kill shelter and other sad existences only to be handed over to another person who allowed them to live through hell once again. http://www.dfwanimalrescue.com/2012/07/authorities-in-wills-texas-seize-300-pit-bulls-seized-from-spindletop-refuge/
Welcome To Our Blog
This blog has been started by a group of animal loving rescuers.
After many years of sharing animals on Facebook only to be limited to what you are allowed to post without running into issues with Facebook standards (which by the way are a joke) we have banded together to share the good, the bad and the ugly of the shelter and rescue worlds that many of these animals become victim of.
This blog is not intended to cause harm or humiliation to anyone, but rather to entice others to research the people they so freely hand these animals over to, and so freely donate their hard earned money to. Sadly, not everyone in rescue is in it for the animals. Many are in for greed and their own financial gain while hiding behind a facade of being an animal advocate. Through the kind hearts of many, some of these people know just how to manipulate and prey on these people to further their own selfish needs and the animals fall to the wayside. The majority of people in rescue are good people. As long as you are researching where your money is going, and advocating responsibly, you should be fine. But don't believe that everyone you meet on Facebook is as good as you may be. You only hear and see what they allow you to hear and see, which is a huge fault with Facebook. And it leaves many of these good people lost for ways to help forewarn others and protect these animals.
This is where our page comes in. We will be sharing stories and allegations of rescue issues and individuals. We ask that you all share with us your concerns, and that when submitting information that you send any documentation you have to support your claims. Otherwise our hands are tied. We do not intend to tarnish reputations, and if you are mentioned on this blog, please email us as well and we will share you responses with our readers to. We want to tell all sides of the issues if possible while making everyone aware of both sides, and not just one sided attacks like Facebook is known for.
Our goal is to protect the animals and urge others to be diligent and proactive. Do your research and remember a rescue is only a rescue if the dog remains safe. Rescue is not pulling a dog from a shelter or an abandoned back yard and sending them to an adopter without making sure that it is in fact a good home. And making sure you are certain the animal is safe for the remainder of their precious lives.
Thank you all and Welcome!
After many years of sharing animals on Facebook only to be limited to what you are allowed to post without running into issues with Facebook standards (which by the way are a joke) we have banded together to share the good, the bad and the ugly of the shelter and rescue worlds that many of these animals become victim of.
This blog is not intended to cause harm or humiliation to anyone, but rather to entice others to research the people they so freely hand these animals over to, and so freely donate their hard earned money to. Sadly, not everyone in rescue is in it for the animals. Many are in for greed and their own financial gain while hiding behind a facade of being an animal advocate. Through the kind hearts of many, some of these people know just how to manipulate and prey on these people to further their own selfish needs and the animals fall to the wayside. The majority of people in rescue are good people. As long as you are researching where your money is going, and advocating responsibly, you should be fine. But don't believe that everyone you meet on Facebook is as good as you may be. You only hear and see what they allow you to hear and see, which is a huge fault with Facebook. And it leaves many of these good people lost for ways to help forewarn others and protect these animals.
This is where our page comes in. We will be sharing stories and allegations of rescue issues and individuals. We ask that you all share with us your concerns, and that when submitting information that you send any documentation you have to support your claims. Otherwise our hands are tied. We do not intend to tarnish reputations, and if you are mentioned on this blog, please email us as well and we will share you responses with our readers to. We want to tell all sides of the issues if possible while making everyone aware of both sides, and not just one sided attacks like Facebook is known for.
Our goal is to protect the animals and urge others to be diligent and proactive. Do your research and remember a rescue is only a rescue if the dog remains safe. Rescue is not pulling a dog from a shelter or an abandoned back yard and sending them to an adopter without making sure that it is in fact a good home. And making sure you are certain the animal is safe for the remainder of their precious lives.
Thank you all and Welcome!
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